The Best Bee Trap was invented and patented By Brian Blazer of Heflin, Alabama.Brian is an exotic animal farmer who built his farm house by hand from recycled woodfound on his property.Shortly after completing his home, the Carpenter Bees beganburrowing into the wood,
Brian didn't want to expose his farm and family to toxic chemicals, and found the existing traps on the market ineffective.Brian observed the Carpenter Bees and studied the habits to develop a solution. Overthe course of several years, Brian tested many different trap designs before discoveringthe most effective trap. The Best Bee Trap!
The traps were initially sold locally to neighbors and friends, but good news has a way ofspreading and soon the traps were sold from coast to coast across America. Brian patentedhis unique trap with the hope of helping other families protect their homes from CarpenterBees.
Carpenter Bee Solutions Hang your Best BEE Trap on the sunny side of your structure, High peaks and cornersare prime locations.
DO NOT USE BAlT! Your traps are scented with natural bee attracting scents.Using Baitwill make your trap less effective.
Do not empty the trap unless it is full or has moisture in the jar. The dead and dying beesin the trap make it more effective. Once well seasoned your trap becomes a BEE MAGNETto help control your bee problem. Be sure the receptacle stays dry inside. The bees drilupward holes to avoid moisture in the nest, Damp air is a BEE deterrent. Do not put anyliquid in the trap.Trouble Shooting tips : The nature of the bee.
When you see the bees hovering and fighting. This happens during the nesting season ofthe bee. The male eastern carpenter bee has a yellow dot on his forehead. He will hover ina spot to defend this spot from other males. He will chase almost anything that goes by.The good news is he does not sting. The female eastern carpenter bee with the solid blackhead DOES STING,
Once the male establishes a territory, the female drills a hole in thewood making an elaborate nest chamber. Eggs are deposited in this nest chamber, Bothbees male and female gather pollen and store it in this nest chamber for the larva to feedon once they hatch, During this time it is easy to see yellow streaks of pollen below thehole. lf you put your finger up in the hole SHE WILL STING!
If you have a new structure the traps located properly will control your bee problem.If you hang your trap near an existing bee hole. The male bee guarding that territory mayrun all the other bees away from the trap. This is because he is guarding a nest, To makeyour trap effective in this spot the hole should be plugged, caulked , or treated .